- Importing data from Merrill Lynch
Since Merrill Lynch does not provide for an automated feed you’ll have to perform a few simple steps to import data into Investaware.
- Go to the Download Account Data page on the Merrill Lynch website, which you can find at
- Download the position information by choosing “Spreadsheets” and “Holdings” and press the “Tab-delimited Spreadsheet” button. Your iPad will prompt you for what to do with the data. Press “more” then save the file to the Investaware folder on your iPad
- Download the activity information by choosing “Spreadsheets” and “Activity” and press the “Tab-delimited Spreadsheet” button. Your iPad will prompt you for what to do with the data. Press “more” then save the file to the Investaware folder on your iPad
Below is an example video of downloading Merrill Lynch data files onto your iPad.
- Go to the Download Account Data page on the Merrill Lynch website, which you can find at